My Why for GRPS School Board

Hello again, I’m Amber Kilpatrick. I am a GRPS parent, student advocate, educator, experienced community organizer, entrepreneur, and Spiritual Ecologist . I’m running as a candidate for one of 4 open seats on the Board of Education for Grand Rapids Public Schools. Throughout the last twelve years in the district, I have worked hand in hand with educators, students, principles, families, and community organizations to provide support, amplify voice, and bring compassion and care to our GRPS community.

My experience as a community organizer, spiritual ecologist, and practitioner of yogic philosophy, has instilled within me the truth of our inherent interdependence and interconnection to one another. At the core of this interconnection is love. A word that sounds radical in a political race - but it shouldn't. Especially not when we’re talking about the lives and success of our community’s children. Because, if Love is at the foundation of what we’re offering in our school ecosystem - everyone benefits, everyone thrives.

Love ensures our students have safe, reliable transportation and fresh, nutritious school meals. Love provides innovative curriculum and resources to all students - not just some. Love is an administration that respects parents and caregivers. Love responds with empathy and compassion when our students are impacted by violence, loss, and tragedy. Love uses funding resources wisely to ensure our teachers & staff are paid handsomely. And love creates a culture of care, transparency, and accountability that supports the health of our district ecosystem.

So, I’m running on a platform of love. A reputation and commitment I’ve been demonstrating for more than a decade within GRPS. Walking alongside our GRPS community as a math tutor, reading tutor, classroom volunteer, Parent Action Leader, coach, student advocate, educator, and professional development facilitator. It’s love that led me to create The Mindful Classrooms Project, which brings trauma informed, healing centered mindfulness curriculum into our classrooms (and also to our Kent County Juvenile Detention Center and AYA Youth Collective). It’s love that guided my involvement on the Boards of the Midtown Neighborhood Association, the Body Mind Being Project, Fountain Street Church, and currently in service to Beyond the City. And it is love that will drive me Every. Single. Day. to bring accountability, equity, compassion, and healing centered change to our district.

It’s time for radical shifts within GRPS. I can’t think of a more radical way to lead - than with love.

I hope you will join me in this movement, this (W)ork, and this campaign for Change within GRPS.

It would be an honor to receive your vote. Election day is Tuesday, November 5th.

Share your time, heart, and expertise with our GRPS Students. Click below to submit a volunteer application!