Some very important issues need our attention.

As a school board member, here’s where I’ll be putting my time and energy:

  • Nutritious Lunches
    Providing elevated, fresh food
    options at lunch to promote better
    health and learning.

  • Safe & Reliable Transportation
    Holding Dean Transportation accountable to providing safe and reliable transportation for our students. Seeking new transportation solutions if necessary.

  • In-Person Learning
    Emphasizing the importance of teachers in classrooms, rather than relying on virtual learning.

  • Trauma-Informed Practices
    Increasing training and awareness around neurodivergence and trauma-informed learning & environments.

  • Culture of Care
    Fostering cultures of care and equity within our schools. Honoring the inherent dignity and worthiness of all students, families, and staff we serve.

  • Accountability
    Holding our Superintendent and administration to the highest levels of accountability and evaluation.

  • Support for Teachers
    Advocating for increased salaries, benefits, and overall support for our teachers. We need to support the whole teacher.

  • Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
    Implementing social-emotional practices for everyone (staff too!), and creating spaces for brave conversations, empathetic connection, and restorative practices.

  • Our Safety
    Promoting gun safety awareness and education, requiring the involvement of parents and caregivers.

  • Healthy Environments
    Ensuring our school buildings have clean air and are environmentally sound.

GRPS means a lot to me.

Here are just some of the ways I am already involved.

  • Parent Volunteer & Tutor
    I’ve spent countless hours volunteering at schools, getting to know our community’s needs firsthand.

  • Elementary Sports Coach
    Coaching young athletes to value the importance of teamwork, self responsibility, and developing the whole child (while also having fun!).

  • Parent Action Leader (PAL)
    As a PAL, I advocate for parents/caregivers and ensure their voices are heard.

  • Substitute Teacher
    My experience spans various subjects and grade levels, including art, PE, music, science, and more.

  • Creator of The Mindful Classrooms Project
    I developed a program to introduce mindfulness practices to students and staff, enhancing their well-being and performance.

  • Trauma Informed Educator
    I have a deep understanding of the impact of trauma on learning and behavior, and I’m dedicated to supporting all students.